What’s Your Marketing Budget?

What’s Your Marketing Budget?

What’s Your Marketing Budget?

  September 17, 2021 | MARKETING

You DO have one, right?

Have you used these FREE marketing strategies? Today, we address the best way to use free marketing tools to drive business and save money.

As a digital marketing and web development company, one of the most common questions we get is, “What should my marketing budget be?” This is a critical question and highly dependent on the goals of your business. Today, we will address this question and share some quick tips to come up with an answer.

Answering a Question With a Question…
Have you used all the FREE options?

Our answer to the question, “what should our marketing budget be”, is always, “Are you crushing ALL the free options?”  The good news is that for most small businesses, less is more!  That means, it is better to establish some basic practices and then start small.  (You didn’t expect that from a marketing company did you?  You might have thought we’d suggest an expensive option.)  Truth is, most of the time, the simple and free options are what are needed most.  

Two Reasons Why Free Options are BEST…to start

1. The consistent use of free marketing is highly favored by google algorithms.

2. Crushing the core marketing practices establishes a baseline for future paid ads.

What Are The Free Options?

• Blog posts.  Plain and simple, consistent content posted and shared on your social media is a killer first step in gaining internet presence.  Even better if you can get your blogs featured on other businesses websites

• Consistent social posts.  No matter your feelings about Facebook, it is an incredibly powerful resource for your business.  We recommend posting once a week with photos, and genuine updates about your business, service, and products.

GREAT!  Now How do we Implement This?

Create a system for getting photos of your business, service, or product and some caption about what you’re doing.  Share it in a genuine way, and stay consistent.  Write your blogs and add some cool photos as well.  Post them to your website and facebook.  Finally, monitor your traffic sources and see what differences you notice with regular posts.  Be patient.  Improvement can take some time, but it is worth it.

We are always happy to assist with questions. Please contact us to chat.

Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times

Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times

“Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times”

September 03, 2021 | DENTAL OFFICE & REALTOR 

“How to Keep the Pandemic Blues at Bay”

The experience of Covid has been a polarizing one. For some businesses, the unique circumstances caused the business to flourish. But for many small businesses out there, it has been a painful time. New customer acquisition is down, revenue has slowed, and it seems like the only thing increasing is the uncertainty. Today, we want to break down two key actions to improve your business during these troubled times.

To start, Let’s Get Social! Share what you know.
Since everyone is at home anyway, you might as well visit them where they are. You’re a pro at what you do. Take that knowledge and share it with the world. Or at least the world in your Facebook page and your website. Brainstorm some unique and interesting parts of your industry which can be enjoyed by your clients. What you do is fascinating to you, and your audience will enjoy it as well. This serves two primary purposes:

  1. It establishes you as a pro in your business
  2. It keeps your business front of mind to your current and future clients

Finally, let’s focus on what we have, not what we don’t have.  Revenue is the lifeblood of a business, and we are going to look at protecting and fortifying your revenue.   In this case, we are going to take a real good look at your best customers.  Not your “below average”, or “causes a headache” customers.  We are instead talking about your best customers.  These are the customers who are prompt, fair, and hopefully even kinda nice to work with.  

Even in good times, it is easier to keep a current client than it is to get a new one.  With this in mind, we are going to share some ways to let them know you are grateful for them, which will in turn help them think of you when they need to spend their hard earned money.

Ideas to show your current clients how grateful you are for their businesses:

  • Send a handwritten “Thank You” card to them. Have your whole staff sign it!  If you have ever done business with Jayo, you know that you’ll get a hand written, and nicely branded thank you card about 3 weeks after project completion.  Client are the lifeblood of business.  Show you care.
  • Add value for free.  This can vary depending upon your industry, but there are almost always opportunities for you to do something for a current client for free.  Think of something they might normally be charged for and then deliver that service.  For us, it’s writing blogs for clients, for a dental office, it could be offering complimentary fluoride.  Whatever your industry, this trick goes a long way.

It’s a wild world out there right now, so we hope this provides some useful insights for you.  We are all in this together, and we will all get through it the same way. 

JaYo Team

2 EASY steps to a Better Website – Guaranteed

2 EASY steps to a Better Website – Guaranteed

2 EASY steps to a Better Website – Guaranteed 

August 24, 2021 | WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT 

Today’s blog talks about what pages to optimize and why!
It’s an easy read with BIG results. (Only 2 mins and 10 seconds to read)

ANALYTICS are NUTS! As a small business owner, who the heck has time to dive through all those nitty gritty details?

GOOD NEWS! You don’t have to. There are only two pages you need to be looking at to get the most from your website data. In today’s blog, we will discuss those pages, and what to do about it.

Here are the most important pages to focus on when you’re trying to improve your small business website:

  1. The 2 pages most visited (other than your home page)
  2. Your most viewed content

Yup!  That’s it.  If you’re a tech entrepreneur, you may be thinking, “this is too simple, there must be more data to analyze.”  Good for you, this blog is not for you, so please go lecture someone else.  For the rest of us, here is what you need to know about that page information.

GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT: The most visited page after your homepage tells you what people need to know from your business website.  As an example.  Without fail, the next most viewed page for our Charter Fishing Clients is always, “Rates”.  People looking for fishing charters are price shopping generally.  This means we need to be sure the rates page looks awesome and is clear.  No need to hide the prices.

PROVIDE GREAT CONTENT: If you have content such as downloadable forms, or a blog, pay attention to what gets downloaded or viewed the most.  This will allow you to optimize that page.  Make it easy for your visitors to do what they came to your website for.

While this may seem oversimplified, it really isn’t.  Not all parts of your website are equally important, so it’s best to give love and attention to the parts which matter.  

We have this conversation with all of our clients and most of them do not have a clue what the most viewed pages are.  That’s ok and super common (And also why JaYo Designs exist!  Thanks for the job security)

In summary, find out which two pages of your website are most viewed.  Find out what content is most downloaded or read.  Make those areas the best part of your website.  If you do this, everything else will fall into place.

Reach out to us with any questions, we are always interested to talk shop. 

JaYo Designs

Is Your Website REALLY Mobile Friendly?

Is Your Website REALLY Mobile Friendly?

Is Your Website REALLY Mobile Friendly?

August 13, 2021 | WEB DESIGN

Have you ever wondered if it really matters if your website is mobile friendly? In today’s blog, we are going to examine some real numbers from our clients and share how to know if your website is optimized for mobile browsing.

Thirty Three Percent! Yes, an average of 33% total traffic from June to August 10th was from mobile devices. The analysis was carefully done while enjoying a beer on a sofa. My best fishing is done drink in hand, just like my best data analysis. This is real data taken from real clients specifically in the charter fishing industry. Other industries actually have much higher mobile numbers. But why does this matter for you? Keep reading to find out.

We care about mobile-friendly for the same reason we can about fast loading websites. (if you missed that post, you can read about it HERE) Because we want our website visitors to stay on our website! If our business website doesn’t load correctly on their phone, they’ll just leave. Wouldn’t you?

For all you fishing charters out there, Having a mobile responsive website is especially important because many of your customers are booked over the phone! That potential client needs to be able to click one button and be dialing your number to book a trip with you. Each time a potential client leaves your website to book a different trip, you lose hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars. So how can we tell if a website is mobile optimized? Great question:

How to see if my website is mobile friendly, and what to do about it in three easy steps:

Step 1.
Take out your phone and go to your website. Once it loads, how does it look to you? Ask yourself this question: “If I could have my website visitors do just ONE THING, what would it be?” Common answers are: call me, email me, buy now, sign up for the mailing list.

Step 2.
Look at your website on your phone. Ask yourself the following question, “Does my website allow a visitor to do the “ONE THING” in two clicks or less and no scrolling?”

Step 3.
Do whatever you need to do so that visitors can do the “ONE THING” in two clicks or less and no scrolling.

Seconds count when we are talking about converting website visitors. To make the most of precious seconds, your website needs to be optimized for mobile. If you’re not optimized for mobile, don’t panic! It is a relatively simple task to be mobile friendly, and is well worth the effort.

As usual, if you have any questions, please reach out to us. We love getting questions from you guys.


Website Speed

Website Speed

Website Speed

August 05, 2021 | WEB DEVELOPMENT

GREAT! You’ve got a website, but is it fast? How do you even know if your website is fast enough? Great question. In today’s blog, we are going to share the basic steps to know your website speed, and how to help it load faster. So, Let’s dive into it.

Step 1: Go to https://gtmetrix.com/ and type in your website domain. We are not affiliated with them, we just like to use them to test all our client websites on a regular basis.

Step 2: See what your score is. If you are scoring anything less than “A”, you could be in trouble. Keep reading to find out why.

Based on website analytics from some real geniuses in the tech world, website visitors will leave a page if it doesn’t load fast. Like, real fast. As in, loaded in less than 2 seconds.

This means that each time a visitor lands on your website, a countdown begins and they are moments away from leaving your site and going to your competitors. How do we get this sorted?

Start by looking at how your website was built. Did you build it yourself, or did you pay a company to do it? If a company built it, give them a ring and just say, “Hey, my website loads slow, what’s up with that?” They should be able to explain to you what they can do to fix it. Keep in mind, I said fix. If your site is slow, something needs to change. This should ideally not cost you anything.

If you built it yourself, here are the basics items that can help keep site load speed to zippy status. First off, are you keeping everything up to date? You’ve got to keep your plugins and addons up to date for optimum function. Next in line, your photos. Keeping photos optimized and resized. (You did get your photos optimized prior to uploading, didn’t you?) When you upload a photo, it may be WAY bigger than it needs. Your new Iphone shoots pictures with a file size so large, it will load crazy slow. You can fix this by resizing your photos, or using a plugin to help the load speed. SOmething like Lazy Loading goes a long way to help.

If your site is a little slow, do not fear! All websites can be sped up. It’s just a matter of getting the right techniques, or the right team to take care of it.

We hope this helped! If you have any questions, please reach out. JaYo Designs is always happy to take the mystery out of websites and marketing.

All the best,