Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times

Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times

“Two Easy (and free) Ways to Thrive in Covid Times”

September 03, 2021 | DENTAL OFFICE & REALTOR 

“How to Keep the Pandemic Blues at Bay”

The experience of Covid has been a polarizing one. For some businesses, the unique circumstances caused the business to flourish. But for many small businesses out there, it has been a painful time. New customer acquisition is down, revenue has slowed, and it seems like the only thing increasing is the uncertainty. Today, we want to break down two key actions to improve your business during these troubled times.

To start, Let’s Get Social! Share what you know.
Since everyone is at home anyway, you might as well visit them where they are. You’re a pro at what you do. Take that knowledge and share it with the world. Or at least the world in your Facebook page and your website. Brainstorm some unique and interesting parts of your industry which can be enjoyed by your clients. What you do is fascinating to you, and your audience will enjoy it as well. This serves two primary purposes:

  1. It establishes you as a pro in your business
  2. It keeps your business front of mind to your current and future clients

Finally, let’s focus on what we have, not what we don’t have.  Revenue is the lifeblood of a business, and we are going to look at protecting and fortifying your revenue.   In this case, we are going to take a real good look at your best customers.  Not your “below average”, or “causes a headache” customers.  We are instead talking about your best customers.  These are the customers who are prompt, fair, and hopefully even kinda nice to work with.  

Even in good times, it is easier to keep a current client than it is to get a new one.  With this in mind, we are going to share some ways to let them know you are grateful for them, which will in turn help them think of you when they need to spend their hard earned money.

Ideas to show your current clients how grateful you are for their businesses:

  • Send a handwritten “Thank You” card to them. Have your whole staff sign it!  If you have ever done business with Jayo, you know that you’ll get a hand written, and nicely branded thank you card about 3 weeks after project completion.  Client are the lifeblood of business.  Show you care.
  • Add value for free.  This can vary depending upon your industry, but there are almost always opportunities for you to do something for a current client for free.  Think of something they might normally be charged for and then deliver that service.  For us, it’s writing blogs for clients, for a dental office, it could be offering complimentary fluoride.  Whatever your industry, this trick goes a long way.

It’s a wild world out there right now, so we hope this provides some useful insights for you.  We are all in this together, and we will all get through it the same way. 

JaYo Team