Is Your Website Working? (Part 2) 

November 24, 2020 | WEB DESIGN 

If you’re just seeing this now, go ahead and get out part 1 to get caught up! 🙂

We discussed Bounce Rate in the previous post.
Today, we are talking about “Time on Page”. Exciting name, right?

Even though it’s a drab name, the metric is pretty darn important. This is an indicator of how interesting visitors find your content, and how relevant it may be to them.

Here is an example:

If you’re a plumber and someone is looking for a plumber in Gainesville Florida who specializes in fixing toilets, and they visit your website trying to find your specialties, but they cannot find a list of your specialties, you can be sure they are gonna leave that page and go find someone else.  This would be an example of low “Time on Page”

Here is another example: 

You’re a charter fishing captain who specializes in targeting yellowtail snapper in the Florida Keys.  And someone (like me for example) is trying to find a captain who is an expert at yellowtail fishing.  If your website had a blog detailing your last trip catching yellowtail, I would read the heck out of that blog, and so would other visitors who were interested in the same thing. 

This would be reflected in your “Time on Page”. This makes us happy.

This tells your important information!

It lets you know if what you think people want to learn from your website is actually what they are trying to learn. If this metric is low, then you need to be making improvements.

These improvements are pretty easy to make. It could be as simple as adding better photos or improving the readability of your website

This is why it can be so important to work with professional website and marketing professionals. They will help you monitor these metrics, offer suggestions, and overall help your business succeed and make more money.

Part three will be coming soon where we will discuss pages per session! Whooo sexy stuff, right? But it IS sexy, because this is the bread and butter of improving your business. Imagine having so many clients you could pick and choose who you work with. Pretty nice huh? What would you do with all that happiness?