Is Your Website Working? (Part 5)

December 18, 2020 | WEB DESIGN

Who Goes There!?

Hopefully a new visitor to your website!  

One of the biggest parts of running a successful company is getting traffic. You could have the best team, the best product, and the best offers, but if people are not seeing you, you’re not gonna sell much. 

Think of New Visitors and a kind of indicator as to the health of your business for the future.  Traffic is good, really good.  Without the traffic, you know there is a chance your business may be in decline.  

We want to check on this metric especially carefully if we are running promotions.  It will allow us to sanity check our advertising and promos. While there are much better metrics to track specific conversion, in this case we also want to see the obvious number get bigger.  We are not monkeying around here.

If you choose to just check the most basic metrics for your website, this is one of the metrics I would recommend tracking.

It may seem crazy, but it is always worth it to keep an eye on this stuff. After all, it is the heartbeat of your business. 

This may seem like a lot to ask, you may be thinking, “This sounds like a lot of work.”  To which, we at JaYo Designs say, “A little work today will go a long way for a better tomorrow.  

As always, please contact us with any questions you have about this topic or how to improve your current website! We all love to talk about this business, even if you’re not a customer.  Promise.