Should Your Web Hosting Be Free? 

November 21, 2020 | WEB HOSTING 

The world is changing fast and the internet is changing with it. What made sense a few years ago is no longer sensible today. Nowhere is that more true than with web design and internet services. Web designers used to bill customers for all sorts of things such as Hosting, Security Certificates (SSL), Updates, even Backups, and Optimization. If you’re being charged for any of the following services, you are being overcharged.

Web Hosting. This is the most obvious service to address because every website needs to be hosted somewhere.

Think of “hosting” as your website’s home. And that home is just a small space inside of a giant mansion. When a web company like us at JaYo Designs has many websites to host, we pay for many rooms inside to larger mansion which allows us to store your website.

It doesn’t matter how many websites JaYo Designs hosts on our servers, the cost is the same for us. Most often the situation is similar for other companies as well.

If you’re being charged for hosting, you’re being charged for something that the company gets for free.

Security Certificates, also known as SSL Certificates. JaYo Designs will always provide your website with an SSL Certificate because it is a simple and easy way to tell the internet and your customers that you are safe and legit. Just like Hosting, SSL Certificates are free.

In fairness, SSL Certificates were not always free. But times change, and so does the internet. If you’re being charged for an SSL Certificate, you’re paying for something that is free.

As you search through the best ways to get your business the website presence it deserves, we hope you keep these freebies in mind. Getting a great website should be a simple and enjoyable experience.

Please contact us with any questions, or to schedule a complimentary consultation about your website design needs. We just enjoy talking business and marketing, so drop us a line.

And finally, simple updates. This is the most often paid-for item in the web design world.

You may have gotten a great deal on your website, and it worked fine until you needed to change something. And you come to find out you’ll be charged $75-$150 an hour for the work! It may feel crazy. We think it’s crazy too.

With JaYo Website Designs, your updates are included in the package you choose. This way, you’ll feel motivated and able to constantly improve your website and keep your business running strong.