Work With People You Like

January 11, 2021 | WEB DEVELOPMENT

IMPORTANT! Only Work With People You Like

Life and business are hard enough.  

In today’s post, we are going to be talking about working with people you like. This is near and dear to my heart because I have worked with a few people I really didn’t like. Even when I knew it was a bad idea, I just kept going. There were always reasons: good skill set, seemed like it could work out, we were making money so why rock the boat, no other good options… As you can see, plenty of reasons to try and make it work.

Don’t Do It! 

Your business is super important, and the future success of your business depends on your ability to drive the company in the right direction. 

It becomes super hard to do that when you’ve got an anchor hanging off the back of the boat. 

“What are some red flags to tell me I may be working with a jerk”, you ask!?  Great question!  You’ll know you’re working with someone who may be a problem in the future if their responses to your inputs are not trying to learn more and understand.  Here is what a crappy response can look like:

  • You: “The contact form didn’t work properly for one of our customers, can you please verify it’s ok and working right?”
  • Developer: “It works fine for us, we just tested it.”

THIS RESPONSE SUUUUUCKS!  Your developer needs to be very interested in the experience of your customers, not just what his intern said was happening on their computer.  

Here is how your concerns should be handled:  This is a real story of one of our clients.

One of our clients, a non-profit, had a donor say they couldn’t donate on the website. While we were fairly certain the issue was not with the website, we dug deep and talked directly with their donors about the issue. It turns out there was an entirely different website the donors were trying to use! We were able to get the donors to the correct place, and get the non-profit the money they needed.  

As you improve and build your internet presence, make sure you are on the lookout for value and service.

That is where the magic happens. 
