Work With People You Like

Work With People You Like

Work With People You Like

January 11, 2021 | WEB DEVELOPMENT

IMPORTANT! Only Work With People You Like

Life and business are hard enough.  

In today’s post, we are going to be talking about working with people you like. This is near and dear to my heart because I have worked with a few people I really didn’t like. Even when I knew it was a bad idea, I just kept going. There were always reasons: good skill set, seemed like it could work out, we were making money so why rock the boat, no other good options… As you can see, plenty of reasons to try and make it work.

Don’t Do It! 

Your business is super important, and the future success of your business depends on your ability to drive the company in the right direction. 

It becomes super hard to do that when you’ve got an anchor hanging off the back of the boat. 

“What are some red flags to tell me I may be working with a jerk”, you ask!?  Great question!  You’ll know you’re working with someone who may be a problem in the future if their responses to your inputs are not trying to learn more and understand.  Here is what a crappy response can look like:

  • You: “The contact form didn’t work properly for one of our customers, can you please verify it’s ok and working right?”
  • Developer: “It works fine for us, we just tested it.”

THIS RESPONSE SUUUUUCKS!  Your developer needs to be very interested in the experience of your customers, not just what his intern said was happening on their computer.  

Here is how your concerns should be handled:  This is a real story of one of our clients.

One of our clients, a non-profit, had a donor say they couldn’t donate on the website. While we were fairly certain the issue was not with the website, we dug deep and talked directly with their donors about the issue. It turns out there was an entirely different website the donors were trying to use! We were able to get the donors to the correct place, and get the non-profit the money they needed.  

As you improve and build your internet presence, make sure you are on the lookout for value and service.

That is where the magic happens. 


How to Choose a Website Developer

How to Choose a Website Developer

How to Choose a Website Developer

January 9, 2021 | WEB DEVELOPMENT

Hiring a website developer can feel like a scary task. You’ve made the decision to have something made, something which will represent not just your company, but also you as a business owner. Yeah, it’s an important thing! In this post, we will discuss in gritty honesty the things you need to be looking for in your search for a website development company.

Full Questions list provided at the bottom:

First things first: Decide what your website needs to do!

  • Attract visitors, get them to call you, showcase your awesome photos, get emails…  You get the idea.

Clearly define your purpose. You need to do this because this will be the first thing you can ask your website company when you interview them. You ask, “how will you help us accomplish XYZ?” They should be happy and excited to answer that question. If they’re not, RUN!  

THEY HAVE ONE JOB!!! If they wont answer this now, the relationship isn’t going to get better. 

Hopefully you got a nice answer and learned some in the process.

Next, you need to know your timeframe. How soon do you need this website? Be sure to ask your prospective developers, “How soon will the first draft be ready?” You’re looking for a business that can give you a specific date range. If someone cannot do this, you do not want to work with them because they are disorganized.

Find out what the revision process is like.  How will you see the revisions as they happen?  This allows you to know what you’re in for.  They should be happy to explain the process to you.

  • Be SURE to know what the “Final Product” will be.
  • Be SURE to know what they charge for revisions or website updates!

You can talk about the budget with them. They should be able to give you a specific range and tell you why. You want to see organization and clarity in all responses, but especially in pricing. It can be easy to have cost creeping up in this area, and that is uncool! If they cannot tell you a price now, do you really trust them to be helpful in the future? 

(Humblebrag: Jayo Designs pricing is ALL upfront and clearly stated.

Last but not least, what does your gut say?  Do they seem responsive?  Does it feel like they actually care? Be sure you’re only working with people you want to work with.

As usual, I’ll close this by offering to answer any and all questions you may have about your internet presence. At JaYo, we are total website nerds and love to talk shop.  Contact us anytime. 


Questions to ask:

  1. How will you help us achieve XYZ goals for the website and what other things do you recommend?
  2. How long before the first draft of the website can be done?
  3. What is the process like for revisions?  How do we agree on what the “Final Revision is?”
  4. What is the pricing structure?

             a. What is pricing for revisions and updates to the finished website

  5. How do you feel about the people you talked to?

Do You REALLY Need a Pro?

Do You REALLY Need a Pro?

Do I REALLY Need a Pro?

January 09, 2021 | WEB DESIGN

This is a time honored question many business owners have asked. It’s a fair question for any reasonable entrepreneur to consider. Given the limited resources businesses face, it can be wise to try and save when possible. In today’s post, we are going to answer this question with as many options as possible so that you can spend less on your internet presence.

You might NOT need a professionally designed website! Coming from a web design company such as us, you may be surprised to read that. 

At Jayo Designs, we firmly believe in a KISS model. Keep it super simple. When you are starting out, it may be better to just have a simple one page website with an easy way to get in touch with your business. 

This one-page setup will work if you are just starting out and are needing to test the waters.  (you don’t want to stay in this stage thought)

The essentials here are as follows:

  • The contact information must be above the fold.  That means when someone lands on the site, they immediately know how to reach you
  • What you do or sell must be immediately obvious to people! On our website, our tagline is upfront and in huge font.  “Websites that work.” That’s what we do. Your website needs to be the same. If you do fishing charters specializing in bottom fishing, yours could say, “Bottom fishing experts.”  If you are an R.V. Park in Florida, on the water, your headline could be, “Amazing views and warm weather.” Keep it simple.

  • Bonus points: Throw a good picture in there!  

Two of the most important things to consider in this decision is the following:

  • What is the BEST use of your time? 
  • What is each customer worth to you?

If you are running an R.V. Park and yet you are spending time getting your website up and running, this is not the best use of your time (I own an R.V. Park, I know how much work it requires!) 

Some people have a gift for this, and others don’t.  Please don’t kill your happiness by struggling with a frustrating project someone else could do in a day’s work.

How much do you make off each customer? To be honest, this should be a post in its own light. The short version is this: By knowing how much each customer is worth to the business, you can better calculate the amount of money you can spend to attract them!

  • Example: If you’re a charter captain who charges $1000 for a full day of fishing, you might consider the best use of your time and energy to be taking people fishing.

What matters most of all is visibility and allowing your customers to see the value you offer. If this is a one-page website, GREAT! If this is a full website with a photo gallery, a calendar, and SEO upgrades, COOL!  

Jayo Website Designs can help you with whatever type of website you choose. Even if you just need some guidance setting your own website up. We are happy to answer all questions, free of charge. Please contact us with any web questions you have. Cheers.

Is Your Website Working? (Part 5)

Is Your Website Working? (Part 5)

Is Your Website Working? (Part 5)

December 18, 2020 | WEB DESIGN

Who Goes There!?

Hopefully a new visitor to your website!  

One of the biggest parts of running a successful company is getting traffic. You could have the best team, the best product, and the best offers, but if people are not seeing you, you’re not gonna sell much. 

Think of New Visitors and a kind of indicator as to the health of your business for the future.  Traffic is good, really good.  Without the traffic, you know there is a chance your business may be in decline.  

We want to check on this metric especially carefully if we are running promotions.  It will allow us to sanity check our advertising and promos. While there are much better metrics to track specific conversion, in this case we also want to see the obvious number get bigger.  We are not monkeying around here.

If you choose to just check the most basic metrics for your website, this is one of the metrics I would recommend tracking.

It may seem crazy, but it is always worth it to keep an eye on this stuff. After all, it is the heartbeat of your business. 

This may seem like a lot to ask, you may be thinking, “This sounds like a lot of work.”  To which, we at JaYo Designs say, “A little work today will go a long way for a better tomorrow.  

As always, please contact us with any questions you have about this topic or how to improve your current website! We all love to talk about this business, even if you’re not a customer.  Promise.

Is Your Website Working? (Part 4)

Is Your Website Working? (Part 4)

Is Your Website Working? (Part 4)

December 15, 2020 | WEB DEISGN 

Did you know you can automatically track the patterns of returning visitors? This metric provides an outstanding insight into the value your website is providing to your visitors.

To understand this, think of your website as a restaurant. If you’re cooking great food and sending people off with full, satisfied bellies, they’re more likely to come back.

If your food is just ok, you’ll most likely never see those folks again. They’re gonna go to the next place down the street to enjoy the fine culinary art happening down there.

This is what we DO NOT want to have happened.

The big question then becomes, “How the hell do we make our website so useful and attractive that people want to come back to it!?” The answer is not complicated.

1. Deeply understand what your customers need, then provide it to them. You can do this by asking them! If you’re a small business, literally pick up the phone, or email previous customers and ask for feedback. Ask them to be brutal. Take what you’ve learned and make the change. We recently did this with a non-profit we are working with and found out people were having trouble on the donate page! Yes. We can all agree that was incredibly valuable information.

2. Whatever your expertise is, start providing free value on the website. A blog is a great example. Not long stuff, just free, relevant information.

3. Continuous improvement. Your website and content need to be updated. Truly, it matters.

This stuff matter. It will make you happy, we promise.

This may seem like a lot to ask, you be thinking, “This sounds like a lot of work.” To which, we at JaYo Designs say, “A little work today will go a long way for a better tomorrow.

As always, please contact us with any questions you have about his topic or how to improve your current website! We all love to talk about this business, even if you’re not a customer. Promise.