How to Choose a Website Developer

January 9, 2021 | WEB DEVELOPMENT

Hiring a website developer can feel like a scary task. You’ve made the decision to have something made, something which will represent not just your company, but also you as a business owner. Yeah, it’s an important thing! In this post, we will discuss in gritty honesty the things you need to be looking for in your search for a website development company.

Full Questions list provided at the bottom:

First things first: Decide what your website needs to do!

  • Attract visitors, get them to call you, showcase your awesome photos, get emails…  You get the idea.

Clearly define your purpose. You need to do this because this will be the first thing you can ask your website company when you interview them. You ask, “how will you help us accomplish XYZ?” They should be happy and excited to answer that question. If they’re not, RUN!  

THEY HAVE ONE JOB!!! If they wont answer this now, the relationship isn’t going to get better. 

Hopefully you got a nice answer and learned some in the process.

Next, you need to know your timeframe. How soon do you need this website? Be sure to ask your prospective developers, “How soon will the first draft be ready?” You’re looking for a business that can give you a specific date range. If someone cannot do this, you do not want to work with them because they are disorganized.

Find out what the revision process is like.  How will you see the revisions as they happen?  This allows you to know what you’re in for.  They should be happy to explain the process to you.

  • Be SURE to know what the “Final Product” will be.
  • Be SURE to know what they charge for revisions or website updates!

You can talk about the budget with them. They should be able to give you a specific range and tell you why. You want to see organization and clarity in all responses, but especially in pricing. It can be easy to have cost creeping up in this area, and that is uncool! If they cannot tell you a price now, do you really trust them to be helpful in the future? 

(Humblebrag: Jayo Designs pricing is ALL upfront and clearly stated.

Last but not least, what does your gut say?  Do they seem responsive?  Does it feel like they actually care? Be sure you’re only working with people you want to work with.

As usual, I’ll close this by offering to answer any and all questions you may have about your internet presence. At JaYo, we are total website nerds and love to talk shop.  Contact us anytime. 


Questions to ask:

  1. How will you help us achieve XYZ goals for the website and what other things do you recommend?
  2. How long before the first draft of the website can be done?
  3. What is the process like for revisions?  How do we agree on what the “Final Revision is?”
  4. What is the pricing structure?

             a. What is pricing for revisions and updates to the finished website

  5. How do you feel about the people you talked to?